

Please support our worthy cause to improve the lives of the poor and needy people of Sierra Leone Ebola survivors and their communities. The Ebola Virus crisis has reduced these people to beggars because of the loss of some of their bread winners through Ebola virus disease. in view of that  their rights and dignity were been robbed off from them because of Ebola stigma and discrimination. Therefore, nothing is too small or too big to donate to improve their lives status.

In view of that, your generous donation will surely make a great difference in the lives of the Sierra Leoneans Ebola virus survivors, especially the orphans and widows in the country. Some of the children and young people are currently not going to school because they have lost their parents during Ebola virus outbreak in the country. In view of that these vulnerable children and young people need your support to improve their lives in order to become good citizens and  positive contributors to the world affairs.

Your generous donations will provide a lasting investment in our work towards a society free from Ebola stigma and discrimination against people been affected by Ebola virus disease, including children, young people orphans, widows and mental illness in our community and in Sierra Leone.

You can donate to support our worthy cause for Ebola survivors, particularly for orphans and Ebola widows in Sierra Leone by clicking the button DONATE to fill in the Paypal account form or you can also  reach us on 0431215434 or email: You will also become a member or volunteer to assist us in changing the mindset of Ebola virus affected communities, their survivors and to promote their well being.